Are we a fit?

a womans hand with several thin delicate gold rings on her fingers holds up a raw citrine crystal
a bohemian woman in a white dress and tan wide brim hat stands barefoot on the grass and lifts her arms in the air as she holds a sheer white sheet that gently blows in the wind

i believe

You are perfect, whole and complete exactly as you are, right now. Full stop. You don’t need to be rescued or saved. And, only you know what’s best for you.

There is power and strength in vulnerability

olive green star

The ego is an essential part of our existence that helps keep us safe and alive. The ego doesn’t need to die and no part of us needs to be destroyed, eliminated, or even changed.

In consent and transparency

olive green star

The Universe always has your back and life is always supporting you toward your highest path and purpose. There is no One Right Way.

olive green star

In grounded, practical spirituality

my approach is

the left hand of a white person curls their fingers into the letter c which connects with the right hand of a black person who curls their fingers into the letter c making a heart against a pinkish purple sky

In our work together, you actively participate and contribute in the process. This is not a process where I send energy or frequencies and you sit back and are “healed”. Where is the fun in that anyways? You want to be able to say “I did that!!!” Right?!? I want that for you too.

A Co-Creative Journey

a young woman leaps with confidence on the dock in front of a beach as a rainbow in the sky behind her extends from her stomach upward

Empowering & Validating Your Intuition

This is about you trusting your intuition and honoring your own truth, because no one knows what is true for you more than you. As you build your awareness of your intuition, it's helpful to have someone validate this for you. The goal, though, is for you to have this unshakable confidence and self-trust that you don’t need anyone to validate you, because you validate yourself.


You’re not certified in any healing modality. (Yes, our inner guidance and innate abilities don’t come from a piece of paper, but a certification by an outside authority supports that you are qualified to help people and you know what you’re doing.)

an olive green X inside a thin olive green ring

You’re not currently working with clients either paid or free. (For some, working with clients and gaining more experience gives them the assurance they need.)

an olive green X inside a thin olive green ring

You haven’t started, or are in the beginning stages of, healing your trauma and doing shadow and/or inner child work. In the work that we’ll be doing together, you need to have experience and the capacity to self-resource and self-regulate.

an olive green X inside a thin olive green ring

You just want someone to “heal” you and aren’t ready to take action on your intuition.

an olive green X inside a thin olive green ring

You want to continue to push, push, push through the fear and worry, fighting against your limiting beliefs and battling your inner critic.

an olive green X inside a thin olive green ring

You only want to process things mentally.

an olive green X inside a thin olive green ring


Book A Call with Me To Get Started

Client Love

Sarah Miller, a beautiful young white woman with shoulder length dark brown hair in a beige long sleeved sweater and red lipstick, smiles broadly as she holds her left hand to her chin

Despite my initial hesitation of doing sessions over the phone, I have come to LOVE this part of the work. It really helps me turn inward.

I've worked with so many practitioners who have talked about helping me tune into my body, but I end up just staring at myself on a screen. There's something that really works when you are not on video and have your eyes closed in a comfortable space that makes it so much easier to feel my body.
- Sarah Miller, Certified Grief Coach

Jess Bushnell, a beautiful young white woman with long dark brown hair wearing a black cowboy hat, tosses her head back and smiles broadly with her arms open and lifted in the air

The way you work is so unique to anything I've ever experienced before. Very multi-dimensional.

You offer real-time coaching *as* you're holding space for energy to flow. In other distant energy sessions, I haven't experienced this and it's insane how much deeper I can go with this real-time feedback. After our second session, I came out of my room and literally felt like I had gone through a medicine ceremony. In all of the coaching sessions I've ever had - I've never felt like that before.

Doing sessions over the phone is my fav too, because I can go soooo much deeper than on Zoom. This really allows my nervous system to settle, and for me to tune-in on a really deep level. I love this so much and have never experienced this before.
- Jess Bushnell, Certified Life Coach